Together with our partner SERMAC we offer a complete range of concrete pumps with placing booms from 20 m (4 sections) to 65 m (6 sections) height with different fold configurations in “ZR”, “Z” and “RZ”.
The pumping unit SERMAC use a special concrete S-valve, whose innovative geometry guarantees great outputs and low maintenance. We have achieved these results through years of research and tests under hard working conditions to ensure high flexibility and reliability. The concrete S-valve has diameter 8” (S8) or 9” (G9) to completely satisfy the customer’s request in terms of capacity and pressure.
TWINSTAR is equipped with placing booms 3 and 4 sections, made with "Z" folding type with length from 21 m to 33 m. Perfect assembly on trucks 4 axles with wheelbase 4.250 – 4.550 mm.
Drum with high load capacity 7 m³ (3Z21, 4Z33) or 8,5 m³ (3Z24, 4Z28) made with 4 bands to reduce the wears, with elliptical bottom in steel and cone to reinforce the attack flange reducer.
The pumping unit utilizes a concrete S-valve with diameter 6” (S6) or 7” (G7) completely satisfy the customer’s demands in terms of concrete output and pressure.
STAR series 8” and Star series 6” are the result of more than 30 years of experience of our partner SERMAC to the continuous improvement of reliability, high efficiency and low operating costs, in all operative conditions. The trailer STAR allow high flow of concrete both in height and in length; results obtained from research and testing in the yards, in severe working conditions and for any type of utilize.
Serie 8”: engine power reaches 175 kW (diesel motor), with max theoretical concrete output till 120 m³/h (rod side) and pressure on concrete till 172 bar (piston side).
Serie 6”: engine power reaches 74 kW (diesel motor), with max theoretical concrete output till 60 m³/h (rod side) and pressure on concrete till 108 bar (piston side).
We offer ready-to-install kits or kits with a more advanced level of decomposition, depending on the customer's needs. After delivery, we support you with the assembly up to the final start-up.